MySociety application intended to be a new channel to transmit information using the mobile application segment besides improving the quality of service among its members and society.

Wiseyes Solution


MySociety application intended to be a new channel to transmit information using the mobile application segment besides improving the quality of service among its members and society. It is accessible by members of the Society and Public as a communication medium across the country and information sharing can be implemented under one
roof. MySociety members can communicate directly through e-mail and feedback can
be received immediately. In addition, it enables the society to promote and market their organizations using the media technology and also help in increasing the number of registered members.

Aimed at various societies available in our country, MySociety acts as a medium to share information for a society with its members. Feedbacks and conversations can be done instantly via this app, enabling real-time information dissemination. This app also helps in keeping the everything in a society organized.

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